
Parents should watch the things they lend to the ears of their Children to. They must watch their own Actions and Conversations as well as their environments because they go a long way in Influencing the attitude and lives of Children in several ways.
Children must not be exposed to misunderstanding at home, with a Neighbour or whosoever.
We must be careful in building complexes in the mind of these little Jewels of God.

The Following Quotes Will Help Us Achieve Better Understanding.

120  And remember another time, there was some irreverent children; they had been raised up in a home.

Elijah, after his days, of course, the people hated him because he called that famine in the land. There was some people that taught their children that Elijah, a man like that, been translated and taken into heaven, he'd got killed somewhere, and they just buried him and hid him. They—they didn't believe it.

So Elisha took his place, now he was the messenger of the day now after Elijah had been taken up. So he passed down through a certain city, and the children, little children of that city, run out, making fun of him, and said, "Say, you old baldhead, why didn't you go up like Elijah did?" See, they didn't believe Elijah went up. There it is. It wasn't the disrespecting the man; it was disrespecting his message. He was the successor to Elisha—to Elijah. He had the anointing; the spirit of Elijah was upon him. He'd went right up there and done the very same things that Elijah did. Hallelujah.

Jesus said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Yes. "These signs shall follow them that believe."

They disrespected it. And they disrespected Elijah because he believed in Elisha, because the Spirit was upon him. And he turned around, and smote the Jordan with his mantle, and opened up the Jordan, went up and done the same kind of miracles that Elijah did. And even all the preachers up there at the school of the prophets, said, "The spirit of Elijah rests upon Elisha," noised abroad in the country.

125  And the people, I bet they laughed to one another, say, "Hey, hey, looky," they'd say. "That bunch of holy-rollers, fanatics, saying that man went to heaven without dying, horses come down. We didn't see any." Certainly they didn't. Certainly not, they didn't. "We didn't see any horses. We didn't hear any chariots anywhere. Nonsense. The old fellow died and they buried him, and then they're trying to make a lot of to-do over it." Just like they'd say today, the same thing, like they said about Jesus, they said, "Why, they come and stole His body at nighttime." They even paid soldiers to testify that. But He raised from the dead.

And Elijah was took up in a chariot of fire, with horses of fire.

128  And when this young prophet walked along there, going down through the city… And he'd lost his hair, as a young man. He was going down, so these little children run behind him, said, "Hey, why didn't you go up with Elijah," said, "you old baldhead, you?" See? And they was giving disrespect. And what did Elijah do? He turned in the power of the Spirit and cursed those children. What happened? Two she bears come from the woods and killed forty-two of them. Right. Disrespects, irreverent, you can't do that. You've got to respect God.

129  If any of them kids would said now, if their father and mother had said, "Now, look, children, they say that Elijah was taken up. Now, we don't know about that, but, anyhow, I—I—I don't know whether it's so or not, but I tell you; the best thing to do is just don't say nothing about it. Just go ahead. When he passes… We hear he's coming down through the city today, going to have a street meeting up there. If he does, if you children on the road to school today meet him, just say, 'How do you do, reverend? How do you, sir?' or something like that. Speak to him."

But instead of that, no doubt they'd been told at home, oh, they heard papa and mama set at the table and laughing, one another, saying, "What do you know. They said that old holy-roller was taken up. Did you ever believe anything like that? And they said this little old baldheaded fellow, just as baldheaded as a pumpkin up there, he ain't over about thirty-five years old, and here he's coming down through there, and said he's going to hold a street meeting, expect us to believe such nonsense as that. Why, he isn't nothing but a little, just a—a mockery. That's all it is. 'Cause he won't come to our churches. He's just like Elijah was, he won't come to our churches. We'll—he'll… Probably some kind of a witchcraft, hoodoo, hoax that he's got, like Elijah." They didn't believe him. So the little children was taught that at home.

131  If they'd have been taught reverence and respect, they'd have walked out there before that prophet of God and have asked for prayer for themselves. But they had been taught to snicker and laugh and to make fun about like the children of today. No, too many of them today would make fun at a street meeting; they'd make fun at the preaching of the Gospel.

So Elijah cursed them in the Name of the Lord. Not because of the children, but because of the irreverent parents that'd brought the children up that way to disrespect God. Two she bears come out and killed forty-two of them. Now, that's irreverence. God demands respect. When they disrespected His prophet, they disrespected Him; no matter if they didn't believe, they ought to kept their mouth shut, stay away from it. But no, they had to put in their nickel's worth. They had to say something that they ought not have said. And what happened to them?
    61-1015E - Respects

  What a condition the world's got into, how they get out on the street and carry on. How that you stick your head in a television on Wednesday night, and won't go to church, how that you… Why, but there isn't a kid in the country knows all about who David Crockett is. And that dirty lie, saying he killed a bear at three years old; you know that's a lie. But you let your kids get their head stuffed full of that. And there isn't one percent out of one hundred that ever knowed anything about Jesus Christ. Is because this world has become so polluted. This nation so ridiculous and so far from God has rejected the Holy Ghost.

Oh, you say, "I go to church and shout." You might do that. But until that gentle Lamb of God settles in your heart, and makes you clean up your life and act like a different person, it won't do you any good to impersonate Christianity. You've got to have it. Amen.
    56-0805 - The Church And Its Condition

69  Now, we're going to start in our little story. Now, that's our background now; you remember that. Now, let's start our little story. Now, to the old people, and to the—the fathers and mothers, you listen too now, you, especially you mothers and dads at this. And we'll start. You like little stories? Do you? Oh, I just love them, especially now… You read a lot of stories that's not true. But this story's true, absolutely the truth, every Word of it. It's in God's Bible, so it has to be the truth (See?), 'cause It's God's Word. God's Word is the Truth.

70  "Now, you know," said, "I'm so tired. I—I'm—I'm tired enough to die."

"Well," said, "why don't you go upstairs and go to bed? Lay down on the cot, the sofa up there, and go to bed."

He said, "But, oh, I'm too tired." He said, "Oh, honey, if you'd have seen what I saw today, oh, I'm—I… What… I don't even want any supper. Oh, it was terrible, the sight that I saw today."

She said, "Well, what, what was it that you saw?"

Said, "I can't tell you before the children, oh, it's too terrible. My, it was bad."

"Well, what was it that you saw?"

"Well, I'm going upstairs and lie down just a little while, and then—and then after supper when we put the kiddies all to bed, then I'll tell you what happened today."

"All right," she said.

And upstairs he went. He laid down. "Oh, so tired, oh, my." You know how daddy is when he gets tired, just really tired.
    56-0513 - Teaching On Moses
